The Impact of local hazard effects on the vulnerability assessment of an urban area in Timisoara
Timisoara is one of the most important Romanian’s city. Located in the Banat region, it is in a very high seismic zone characterized by earthquakes with small depths and magnitudes not exceeding 5.6 on the Richter scale. In 2021 Timisoara will be the Capital of European Culture and, therefore, the numerous buildings with historical-artistic value in the urban centre must be preserved in terms of seismic safety. Hence, appropriate risk mitigation plans should be planned to assure the integrity of this important cultural heritage under seismic phenomena.
In this framework the proposed study is placed with the aim to assess the seismic vulnerability, by means of a macroseismic approach, of an urban sector of the historical centre of Timisoara, focusing the attention mainly on the influence of geo-hazard phenomena on the its global vulnerability.
First, the application of a vulnerability index based method permits to define the propensity at damage of the buildings sample examined, allowing to plot their typological vulnerability curves according to the EMS-98 scale. Subsequently, the site effects are taken into account in order to define the local amplification factors and, therefore, the amplification of both the expected macroseismic intensity and the global vulnerability of buildings. Finally, a comparison between the damage levels of the inspected sector with and without considering local hazard effects is made.

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