Influence of the characteristics of the inner space on the development of the child
Institutions for pre-schoolers have had, in their great majority, the first social function of care for children with working parents, and were also playgrounds, and spaced for socialization and education. The educational function widened with time. The need for continuing education, designed and organized according to needs and possibilities, extended forms has become the dominant idea.
Starting from the idea that environmental education is a priority for our days, the child must be learned from an early age to feel directly responsible and involved in activities relating to the protection of the environment such as: waste recovery, selective waste collection, energy consumption reduction through the use of solar energy and care of vegetation. The educational environment in the kindergarten is essential to sustainable mental, physical and harmonious development, which is why it shall be arranged on a weekly basis depending on the thematic project planned in the week in question. The furniture made will be appropriate depending on the age and the particularities of children, attractive, and must be organized and adapted to be accessible for the children.
Research and practice, more and more involved in preschool education have highlighted the influence of the characteristics of the inner space on the development of the child.

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How to Cite
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