
Otilia Miruna Hăbuc


The paper aims at presenting and evaluating the basic elements of the best functioning of an afterschool center, the benefits that such a center would bring to the community, the basic rules. Nowadays, these 'school after school' programs are a great quest among parents who work to give their children a living standard of their own. Due to the lack of time, many parents prefer to enroll their children in such programs to keep them safe and supervised. Afterschool programs are an idea of the future, a private initiative to combat juvenile delinquency. Because of these centers, children are developing intellectually, delivering much better learning outcomes, helping them to develop themselves and diverse skills by participating in a wide range of exciting courses. Using biophilic design in setting up centers will create an atmosphere that plays an important role in enhancing children's performance.


How to Cite

Hăbuc, O. M. (2019). Optimal conditions required for an afterschool program. Journal of Architecture, Urbanism and Heritage, 2(2). Retrieved from http://jauh.ro/index.php/JAUH/article/view/24


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