Redefining Safe Play Space
Not all play is equal and not all playgrounds are equal. There is a lack of free play in today’s society and it is mostly due to superficial playground design and public policies. Based on studies of residential areas, this paper wants to uncover new methods of designing playgrounds so that they are accessible and likeable to residents. A family-friendly design process is proposed, and it motivates designers and administrators to rethink residential neighborhoods in a bottom-up manner.

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How to Cite
[3] Kaitlin O’Shea, How We Came to Play: The History of Playgrounds, National Trust for Historic Preservation, came-to-play-the-history-of- playgrounds/#.XKsv9zAzbIU
[4] Amanda Erickson, The Politics of Playgrounds, A History, Citylab, litics-playgrounds-history/1480/
[5] Joe Frost, Evolution of American Playgrounds, Scholarpedia, n_of_American_Playgrounds
[6] Peter Gray, Decline of play and The Rise of Psychopatology in Children and Adolescents, 2011
[7] Rob Wheway, Most Play Strategies Are Wrong. The Decline In Children’s Freedom To Play, Cardiff, 2011
[8] Stuart Brown, Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul, Publisher: Avery; Reprint edition (April 6, 2010), ISBN: 978-1583333785