2021 – Timisoara European Capital of Culture, the urban regeneration opportunity for the city
The term “culture” can be used to refer to any space or building, from architecture, patrimony buildings and tourist attractions to performing arts, festivals and events or relaxing activities, as well as people's way of life. More and more cities are using culture as a tool to save non-functional spaces, or old buildings, trying find new functions (former factories or abandoned train stations are transformed into museums, galleries, libraries, polluted lands are decontaminated, former industrial platforms are cleaned and rehabilitated into new public shared spaces) thus preserving the identity of each place around the world.
Timisoara, through its experiences and history, is a courageous city, that stands for its values, being the host of over 30 different cultures: Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Serbs, Croats, Italians, etc. Throughout history, this city located in western part of Romania, generated sparks and stimulated transformation across borders, created a strong personality, always on the map of Europe. However, today the city is confronted with a number of problems, particularly moral and civic and lack of interest for its assets (historical buildings, old great factories, riverfront across the city), laying on indifference, risking to lose all its beauty.
The "2021 – Timisoara European Capital of Culture " is an opportunity for Timisoara to generate considerable cultural, social and economic benefits and to help encourage urban regeneration, change and reactivation of the city's image on an international scale. Assuming this title, Timisoara can become a city where cultural excellence confers self-confidence on the citizens and the power to change through participation and involvement in the city’s cultural life.
The goal is to center on the title of European Capital of Culture and regenerate/reactivate the forgotten spaces of the industrial heritage, but also the ‘’dark places’’, neglected of the city and to solve the problem of intolerance towards the marginal groups, by capturing the civic interest, through cultural events. To base ‘’the regeneration’’ it is required a site analysis, a theoretical research to understand all the terms and principles involved and a social analysis to see the city through people’s eyes. To achieve this goal the city’s people need to understand and acknowledge the importance of this title and start caring about the city they live in.

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How to Cite
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