The Bezdin Church Technologies used in restoration
The creative spirit of mankind emerged at the dawn of its birth, and has evolved over time. The effect of this synergy is a high degree of cultural-artistic representation specific to each civilization. Therefore, this collective inheritance can be seen as a living and dynamic part of human settlements, contributing to the local identity, cultural wealth, being concurrently a factor of historical and spatial continuity in the narrative of time.
The concept of heritage and the operation of enhancing its qualities are closely related from a chronological point of view. Shortly after defining the first one, the action of it’s validity came as an economic opportunity, setting in motion a general awareness towards the preservation of historical, aesthetic values of cultural relevance.
However, this heritage has experienced constant deformation throughout history due to deteriorations and disasters caused by natural and anthropic factors. In this sense, it’s often being under threat from environmental conditions, physical instability, under-funding, or increased tourism and development.
Such a condition asks for a systematic management of response to the constant changes, creating a need for the acquisition of geospatial information based on numeric data [1]. Due to the complexity of the nature surrounding a historical monument, a more precise perspective on the process of preservation can only be acquired through an increased level of exact detailed information.
Therefore, the use of three-dimensional (3D) scanning technology comes as a response to this problem, being a modern and reliable method in the digitalization of information. Nowadays surveying methods like 3D laser scanning compiles accurate, complex and realistic 3D models, as well as their settings that depict their historical periods. This method creates a 3D model from recorded data, that is a mathematical representation similar to the physical reference with a millimetric precision. This is why the use of three-dimensional coordinate data for a variety of analysis has recently assisted in the conservation and management of cultural heritage sites and monuments. three-dimensional scanning is a representative documentation technology, allowing specialists to monitor the behavior of the object in question over time.
The objective of this essay is to reveal the benefits of 3D laser scanning in relationship to the preservation of heritage, with the specific application of its use on the church in the Bezdin monastery. This monument is a testimony of the Serbian local community in the west of Transylvania, serving as an eloquent example of architecture specific to this region.

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How to Cite
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