Aesthetic integrations in the restoration process of mural painting
Respect for the authenticity of the work of art, recognizability and reversibility of an intervention are benchmarks on the basis of which different solutions and restoration technologies have been developed over time. But there is no solution / method that can be used systematically. Each work of art is unique and requires particular decisions. Only through a critical and philological approach to the restoration project and a proper implementation of all execution phases can an adequate and consistent representation of the image be obtained.
Mural paintings are an integral part of the structure of the building, but the first and main function of the paintings is to convey ideas and symbols, which they represent through images.
In the process of restoration of the mural paintings one of the most important stages is the aesthetic integration. This stage allows the restoration of the visual reading of the painting and the reconstruction of the potential oneness of the work of art. Contemporary chromatic integration methods and techniques solve many problems regarding the treatment of gaps in the restoration process of mural painting, but in some cases, they can be inefficient.
This article discusses the importance and ethical limits of aesthetic integrations in the process of restoration of mural painting. The values and the symbolic functions, which play an important role in decisions on the aesthetic treatment of the mural paintings. The importance of restoring the narrative content of the mural painting with the aim of improving the perception of the image represented on the picture by the spectators.

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How to Cite
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